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Name: Heccan

Age: 20

Birthday: 24 March

Sex: Female

Height: 168 cm

Character item: Scythe

Species: Dominion

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: She's kind of a playful person. But not in the good sense. She tends to lead people to play her life game, in which, if you win, you can make a wish and she will make it true. If you cheat or lose, your life will be taken away. Weirdly enough, she only does this to people that sinned of any of the seven deadly sins. She's a hypocrite: cheats at her own game to win.

Likes: Games of any kind, butterflies

Dislikes: Hypocrites, liars, sinners

Extra data: She tends to justify her hipocresy in a really stupid way, saying "I can do what I want, beacuse I'm a Dominion and you're not".

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